Saturday, June 8, 2013

Assessment Items

There is a new Smarter Balanced Practice Test released. You can choose a grade level (3, 4, 5, etc.) and choose math and see an early version of the Common Core math assessments that will replace the NECAP.

I can get the practice test to work on some computers, but not on my personal laptop because it won’t let me drag and drop. I have no idea why. And if you can’t drag and drop, you can’t answer test questions or advance to the next question. Try it yourself and hopefully it will work. I submitted a report to SBAC but they said they can’t reproduce that problem so they really didn’t have any advice for me.

These practice tests are worth a look. Pass them along to students to try this summer, and/or do the problems with your classes in the fall. Answers and scoring guide is due to become available in July.

This fall, students will take their last NECAP tests. Here are all the NECAP released items, which serve as great practice over the summer or in the fall before the assessment window.