Lee Orlando, fifth grade teacher, kindly contributed this article.Our Bridges November calendar focuses on decimals and "base-ten fractions," and we've been having some good discussions around the nature of decimal numbers.
Yesterday, we were ordering some numbers that included whole numbers and mixed numbers (expressed as decimals)... one student confidently announced: "3 is greater than 33.45 because any decimal is smaller than a whole number." The salient feature for this student was the decimal point, and she was working under the misconception that whenever you see a decimal point, the number is automatically smaller than any whole number. Just that comment alone kept the students talking and debating for quite a while!
I also did a quick formative assessment: Instead of giving students decimal numbers already arranged appropriately (in a column) in order to add/subtract, I simply gave them the numbers and had them arrange them in order to add (there were four numbers). Perhaps you can guess what many students did. They applied their understanding of place value of whole numbers (ones, tens, hundreds, etc, lining up the numbers from right to left) and totally disregarded the decimal point. Here were all these decimal numbers, neatly lined up as if they were whole numbers, with the decimal points totally misaligned. These were students who have been adding and subtracting decimal numbers in our weekly math computation practice, but when given the numbers separately - not pre-arranged in a column - their lack of conceptual understanding about decimals and their values was completely transparent.
All this has led to lots of discussions about the power of zero which we had already explored in our Great Wall of Base Ten, but which was now coming back in light of decimal numbers. I have been digging up some cool resources around this, including this awesome video which you may already know: "The Powers of Ten."